We, at JUIT, believe that people improve themselves when given access to the right tools, and when empowered and motivated, they start any evolution they intend to ignite.
We also know that innovation and technology are core principles of contemporary legal practice. That time of erudition and prolixity has come to an end. Changes keep a fast pace; adaptability remains unabated.
We came to join this movement!
Driven by an intense desire of transforming legal practice by promoting a rupture with old habits that do not fit the daily lives of those who breathe the data culture, we are fully committed to delivering the most creative and efficient solutions to legal practitioners, keeping unsettled until the full resolution of problems.
We are challenging the “status quo ante” of a secular social science that hasn’t followed the rules of time. We must fast-forward time. This is no ordinary task, but we believe in hard work.
We pursue the best references and establish the highest standards so to deliver elegant technologies on easy-to-use applications – only excellence matters. The maxim “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”, from Da Vinci, sets the north of our compass.
Our goal is to be amongst the first to deliver really innovative solutions, promoting the constant evolution of people and technologies, as also as becoming the benchmark for the legal solutions corporate market.
In our vision, adopting legal hacking is a viral form of personal (r)evolution, that overflow to our mates and pushes the whole ecosystem forward. For this to happen, technology must be accessible, producing competitivity among legal practitioners, and delivering a better Law to citizens.
None of this is possible without a healthy culture. Ethics, transparency, trust, and commitment, more than corporate values, are the personal consensus that allows the acceptance of new folks on our team.
In the world ruled by data, we fight to give legal practitioners the ability to make fast data-driven decisions every day, a mission we even carved in our name: JUIT is an anagram with the first letters from the words of our motto: “Ubi jus, ibi technica” (where there is Law, there is technology.).
We didn’t come to make more of the same; we came to raise the bar!
Join our revolution!

It would be inconsistent to propose changes and always remain in the same place. Hence, this manifesto is not stone-written; it is a living document that represents our beliefs and values, which carries a worldview that pushes the company forward day after day. It reflects the purpose of our team and what we strive for, being the foundation of everything we do. Any changes will have the intention to represent our evolution over time.